Monday, April 7, 2008

Pe Ell

I was at my "home" range today for the first time in 7 months. To be brutally honest, it was the first time I have even fired a rifle in 7 months...well, not counting the .50 cal I got to shoot back in November, and that was alot of fun. I haven't even bothered to bring my high power rifles out to Tennessee since moving there, due to the lack of long range shooting ranges. I was able to shoot in Pe Ell almost regularly last year. This year has been a little slow and it is now crunch time preparing for the upcoming matches. I'm not one to brag, but I did shoot pretty well today, alot better than I was expecting. I need to check my score books, but it might have been a new personal best.

What was really amazing to see was all the destruction from the flood back in December. Portions of railroad bridges had large logs resting on them that were left as the water levels went back down. Bridges across the Chehalis river were completely washed out and left resting along the sides of the river bank, which to look at it now you could have never imagined it doing so much damage. At a time when Washington state should be a vibrant green, many spaces still had a layer of mud.

Random question of the day: What would you do with a pet camel?

I wish we had stopped to take a picture. If you take the old highway south out of Pe Ell, you go through an area full of farms. One farm that we pass had horses, cows, goats...and a camel. It's been there for years and we saw it again today. Seeing the camel there made me think... maybe I should get a pet giraffe.


Aaron said...

What would I do with a pet camel? What wouldn't I do?!? You could hug him, and pet him, and make him gourmet camel food, make him drink propel water.

Most importantly, I'd ride on him from my house to your house whenever I wanted to visit.

Suzanne & Duncan Forbes said...

What would I do with a pet camel... first things first - make sure I'm not in spitting range!