Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Pictures

Roses! My first attempt at growing my own roses. And they are beautiful.

It was so much fun to have the girls in town. True friends that will be with me for a lifetime.

I can never resist babies of any kind.
We took my brother to Mammoth Caves, which is definitely one of my favorite places around here. And except for the gas money, it is some of the cheapest and best entertainment too.
Boy...that flash is bright when you are down in a cave.
My brother is showing off his Seahawk hat with the Titan's stadium in the background.


Aly sun said...

Fun pictures. I am glad you had a good time with your brother! You've had your share of visitors this last week.

It was so good to see you.

Aly sun said...

UPDATE ME!!!!!!!